Energy Efficient Housing Booklet - How Can a House Be Energy Efficient?

Prepared by Joud Khasawneh and Nur Alfayez, 2009

The preparation of this booklet was made possible with the support of the EU-funded MED-ENEC Project.

Energy consumption in residential buildings in Jordan amounts to 22% of the total energy consumption in the country. Thus, applying energy efficient principles in these buildings is of major importance. However, the design of most residential
buildings in Jordan does not take into account energy efficient principles such as proper orientation and layout, and the need to maximize the benefits from natural elements such as sun and wind, which can lead to much more effective heating
and cooling.

This booklet has been developed especially for householders living either in individual houses or apartment blocks. This booklet can also help those looking to build or buy a residence to select suitable and appropriate means to make their home energy efficient, and will also help the residents of existing homes to enhance the energy performance of their house.

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